Sep 21, 2018
Dental emergencies can occur anytime; we want you to be ready with some simple remedies and techniques to best care for your teeth.
When an emergency injury to your teeth or gums occurs, it is important to handle it correctly and quickly. Quick actions can help avoid more extensive and costly treatment later. Here are a few measures you can take for dental emergencies at home:
A toothache is one of the most common dental injuries and can happen anytime for many different reasons. When you feel the onset of a toothache, first clean the sore tooth by gently brushing and flossing. Use a warm saltwater rinse to remove trapped food or debris, which might be causing the pain. However, a painful toothache might also indicate an abscess or other infection in the mouth. If you experience swelling, then apply a cold compress and visit the dentist immediately.
Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek
You can help to stop the bleeding from small cuts by applying gentle pressure with a clean gauze or damp cloth. Apply a cool pack to the injured areas for immediate pain relief. If the bleeding continues for more than 15 minutes, head to the emergency room of a nearby dentist immediately.
Broken Braces and Wires
Try to gently remove the broken piece. If the broken piece is not loose, use dental wax or a dampened cotton ball to cover the sharp edge until you can get to the nearest orthodontist or dentist.
Fractured/ Broken Tooth
If you break or fracture a tooth the following steps should be taken: locate and collect any tooth fragments, then clean the injured area with warm water to remove any debris from the tooth, lastly place a cold cloth over the injury. See your dentist immediately, as even small fractures can lead to infection or further damage to your teeth if it is not addressed right away.
Knocked Out Permanent (Adult) Tooth
Find the tooth if possible and try not to touch the root (pointed) portion with your hands. Rinse the tooth, and place it in a cup of milk or water to bring to your dentist. If the tooth is displaced but remaining in or attached to the socket, do not attempt to reposition or disturb the tooth. Time is crucial when trying to save a tooth, so see your dentist as soon as possible.
Call your dental office for more information about any dental emergency. We will walk you through how to care for your teeth at home, and if necessary, see your dentist to take care of a dental emergency quickly and comfortably.
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