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Monthly Archives: January 2022

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There may be life in your old toothbrush yet: 10 amazing uses for your old toothbrush

There may be life in your old toothbrush yet: 10 amazing uses for your old toothbrush

Category : Gentalcare

How many toothbrushes do you think you have thrown away during your life? We are advised to change our toothbrush every three months, so in theory by the time somebody is 30 they will have already binned around 120 toothbrushes. 

Research shows that 80% of us choose to repurpose our toothbrushes, so here are the 10 best life hacks for your toothbrush which could save you valuable time and money and your environment.

1. Nail brush magic – Admit it, removing that stubborn dirt from beneath our nails can be difficult and even tedious. Use your old toothbrush to remove it in seconds! One person even told us they keep one in their handbag just in case they need to brush up on the go.

 2. Wheelie good – A surprising number of people told us they use their old toothbrushes to clean the chain on their bicycle. It is the perfect size to get into those little places. 

3. Back to the bathroom – Some toothbrushes are never destined to leave the bathroom. By far the most popular use of an old toothbrush is to help clean those hard-to-reach cracks and crannies in the bathroom, and it certainly comes in handy for scrubbing the grout between the tiles.

4. Putting the sparkle back – An old toothbrush is a perfect tool to give your jewelry back its shine and sparkle, giving you back your brilliant bling!

5. Getting fishy – This may not have been one of the most popular but was one of the more unusual uses. A few people told us they use an old toothbrush to clean ornaments in their fish tank, as they need a clean home too!

6. Paws for thought – One from the foundation team here, we think this may just be tickly torture but apparently, a toothbrush is perfect for cleaning a dog’s nails and paws.

7. Model behavior – For you modeling experts out there, and we’re talking more clay than Kate Moss, an old toothbrush is ideal to create texture on your creations.

8. Exfoliate away – To some of the male members of our office, this one surprised us as to how widely known it was. Many people use a toothbrush to exfoliate their lips when they are chapped. How somebody finds out this is an effective beauty tip is a different question!

9. Hair today – One for the home hairdressers, a toothbrush is perfect for picking out your highlights, so if you’re in the salon and see a toothbrush on the counter don’t be alarmed.

10. CRUMBS! Take a close look at your computer keyboard. Did you know that your keyboard has been proven to harbor more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat? A toothbrush is perfect for cleaning out all those little nasties. Going out for lunch might be a good idea too.

It is important to remember to change your toothbrush, or head on your electric toothbrush, every three months to help stop the spread of bacteria and to ensure you are brushing your teeth effectively. Be sure that before the next time you go to throw one away, you think about how else you can put it to use around the house – and let us know if you find any usual use for your old toothbrush.


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Oral health habits for life: five out and five in

Oral health habits for life: five out and five in

Category : Gentalcare

If you think about your health, no matter whether you talk about your oral health, your diet, or general fitness, it does all come down to habitual behavior, whether good or bad.

Many people out there might have bad habits but perhaps aren’t aware that they could have an impact on their oral health. So, for the Oral Health Foundation, I’ve compiled a list of the top five bad habits that you need to kick and five habits to replace them with.

Don’t snack all day!

This is a habit that a lot of us are guilty of. You’re busy all day, running around like a mad person trying to get all your errands for the day done, and instead of sitting down and having a few proper meals each day, you end up having loads of snacks. I’d bet they aren’t all healthy either! Anything with sugar in it like biscuits or sweets can cause tooth decay, even more so if it’s habitual and you do it most days.

Generally, it’s much better for your oral health and general health if you eat three meals a day instead of snacking but if you’re desperate for a quick bite between mealtimes, then try to stick to the savory side. Cheese, raw vegetables, and breadsticks are just a few examples! And snack no more than twice a day.

Do chew sugar-free gum

This one’s for you serial snackers out there. Chewing sugar-free gum can be a great way of keeping your mouth busy and keeping your mind off of harmful snacks that can wreak havoc on your teeth.

In addition, after you’ve eaten a meal, sugar-free gum can reduce the acid attack which follows and help your teeth remineralize. It helps the mouth produce more saliva, which, is the mouth’s natural defense against acid. So, keep some around at your desk, in your car, or your bag and chew between meal times and take care of your oral health while you’re on the go.

Don’t drink fizzy drinks

Believe it or not, this is a habit that can have a detrimental effect on your oral health for two big reasons. Not only can they cause tooth erosion, because of their acidity, but they often also contain heaps of sugar, which is known to cause decay.

Even if you just have one bottle or one can a day, it can do huge damage. It takes about an hour for your teeth to remineralize and recover after coming into contact with acid and sugar, no matter how little or long the contact time is. So, think about sipping one bottle of fizzy drink throughout a working day. Your teeth would never get a break! A habit to ditch for sure!

Do drink water

Plain and simple – water is king. Not only do our bodies need water to work properly and avoid dehydration but it is also the best choice of drink you can have when it comes to your teeth.

Water isn’t acidic. Water isn’t sugary. Water isn’t harmful to your teeth in any way. So, try to go for a drink of water especially if you like to have something to sip on throughout the day.

Don’t rinse your mouth out after you spit

This is perhaps one of the less obvious ones. It’s not a case that you harm your teeth by rinsing them out with water after brushing. It’s more that you’re taking away something that could make them stronger.

Fluoride can be a great help to your dental health because it strengthens the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to tooth decay. It’s a natural mineral and is found in many foods and water supplies but because of how good it is for your teeth, it’s also in many kinds of toothpaste. But when you rinse your mouth out after brushing you wash away the fluoride that could be giving protection to your teeth long after you’ve finished brushing. Ditch the rinse and let the fluoride work – it’s dental magic!

 Do clean in between your teeth

Did you know that your toothbrush can only clean around 60% of your teeth’ surfaces? This is because toothbrushes aren’t currently equipped to clean the spaces in-between teeth. They simply cannot reach. And guess where most tooth decay and gum disease begin…

Whether you prefer to use floss or interdental brushes, it’s so important to make sure you don’t neglect those tight spaces between your teeth. At least once a day, try and make cleaning those spaces routine.

 Don’t brush straight after eating

Now I know that I’m not the only one that’s been guilty of this in the past! Brushing straight after you’ve eaten or even drunk something. While it might make sense to do it, especially if you’re in a rush to go to bed, it’s not something you should be doing at all.

The reason being is when you eat or drink something, especially if it’s acidic or sugary, it weakens the top surface of your teeth (enamel). Brushing straight away can cause particles of enamel to be brushed away, which after time can leave your teeth sensitive and painful. You’ve got to wait that hour for your teeth to remineralize before you take a brush to them.

Do be Mouth-aware

Bit of a solemn one here but still very important. A lot of us try to ignore some problems when they arise and hope they go away but your mouth is most certainly an area you should not be taking any risks with.

Mouth cancer is a potentially deadly disease that can affect any one of us. The key to surviving is early detection and diagnosis. Any unusual changes you spot in or around your mouth whether it be ulcers that don’t heal, white or red patches, a lump, or a bump should prompt you to visit a dentist or doctor as soon as possible.

If in doubt, get checked out! Be proactive and make an appointment with your dentist or doctor.

Don’t use your mouth to open things

This one needs a little explanation. Whether it’s a bottle, a packet, or a tough nut, the bottom line is, your teeth are not tools!

The same goes for chewing pens, pencils, or even fingernails. All these things have the potential to weaken, chip, or even crack your teeth. When you’re sitting in the dental chair about to fork out hundreds for treatment, you’ll wish you just used the bottle opener for the purpose you bought it for!

Do attend your appointments!

Last but by no means least. Your dental team will be able to tell you how often you should be visiting and it’s likely to vary from person to person. For some, it may be once every three months. Others, once every six or even twelve or eighteen.

The important thing is to make sure you visit regularly, as often as they recommend, and not just when you have a problem that needs fixing. Dentists may also be able to spot problems early and tackle them before they become serious issues. Not to mention that as part of every check-up your dentist will carry out a visual examination on you to look for the early signs of mouth cancer. Put simply, a trip to the dentist could save your life.
