2430 Enterprise Dr, Fremont, Ohio, 43420

Monthly Archives: July 2019

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Root Canals: FAQs about treatment that can save your Tooth

Root Canals: FAQs about treatment that can save your Tooth

Category : Gentalcare

If you have a severely damaged tooth or a genuine tooth infection (abscess), your dentist may suggest a root canal treatment. Root canals are used to fix and save your tooth instead of removing it. 

What is a Root Canal?

During root canal therapy, the pulp (or the nerve tissue on the inside canal of the tooth) is removed, the inside of the tooth is cleaned, and then the space inside the tooth is filled and sealed. 

What is the pulp and Why does it need to be removed?

The pulp is soft tissue inside your tooth that contains nerves and veins, which provides blood flow to the living tooth structure.

Pulp can become damaged due to: 

·         A profound cavity 

·         Repeated dental procedures that disturb this tissue

·         A cracked or fractured tooth

·         Damage to the tooth 

When pulp is damaged, it breaks down, and bacteria begin to multiply within the pulp chamber. The bacteria and other dying pulp remnants can cause an infection, pain, swelling, and ulcers inside the tooth. If the damage is untreated, the tissues around the base of your tooth can form an abscess, a pus-filled pocket that forms at the end of a tooth’s root. 

Damaged pulp needs to be removed to eliminate the infection, and to prevent it from spreading, which can put you in danger of losing your tooth totally because bacteria can harm the bone that holds your tooth in place in your jaw. Hence, damaged pulp needs to be removed to avoid infection and other more serious consequences.

Can I get this Treatment done during my regular check-up visit?

No, your dentist will need to schedule a separate follow-up appointment, or they might refer you to a dentist who specializes in root canals and similar procedures dealing with the pulp and tissues surrounding the teeth. This specialist is known as an endodontist.

What should I expect?

A root canal treatment usually takes 1 or 2 office visits to finish. Your dentist will utilize local anesthesia so you don’t feel the procedure. Root canals are used to treat seriously damaged teeth that are often already causing pain. During the procedure you won’t feel any more discomfort than having a regular cavity filled. When the procedure is finished, you should never again feel the torment you felt before having it done.

What will happen before treatment begins? 

Your dentist will take X-rays to get a clear perspective on your tooth and the encompassing bone. Then, he/she will numb the zone around your tooth so you are comfortable during the treatment. Finally, they will put a slight sheet of latex rubber over your tooth to keep it dry, and clean during the procedure, protecting the tooth from bacteria and fungus that are normally in the mouth.

What will happen during treatment?

First, your dentist will make an opening in the exposed surface of your tooth. Then, they will take out the pulp, or the tooth’s nerve from inside the tooth and in the regions of the root, known as a root canal. Then, they clean inside the tooth and the root canal. Your dentist may treat the tooth with a germ-killing drug, and fill the root canal with a rubber-like material to seal them against future contamination. Finally, your dentist will place a temporary filling on the tooth to protect it until a definitive restoration like a permanent filling or crown that can be placed at the earliest opportunity.

What will happen after root canal treatment?

Your tooth and the area around it might feel delicate for a couple of days, similar to having a cavity filled. You can request your dentist to prescribe painkillers for pain and discomfort. Your dentist may recommend antibiotics to prevent a risk of infection spread. If so, make sure to use as directed, and follow-up with your dentist if you have any problems taking it.

Your dentist will likely schedule a subsequent visit after the root canal treatment. At this visit, your dentist will take off the temporary filling on the tooth and replace it with a permanent filling or a crown to shield your tooth from further harm. A metal or plastic post may also be placed in the root canal to help make sure the filling materials stay in place. This helps support a crown if you need one.

How long can a root canal filling last?

With proper care, root canal treatments have a high success rate, and your restored tooth can last forever. Make it a point to brush two times every day for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste, clean between your teeth once per day with floss, and see your dentist regularly to make sure your teeth are strong and healthy.

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Pregnant? 9 Questions You May Have About Your Dental Health

Pregnant? 9 Questions You May Have About Your Dental Health

Category : Gentalcare

Do I Need to Change My Daily Habits?

If you are brushing two times every day with fluoride toothpaste and cleaning between your teeth once per day, keep doing awesome! If not, there’s no better time to begin, as bad habits during pregnancy have been related to unexpected labor, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia. Talk with your dentist about your daily oral hygiene routine and ask for suggestions for any improvements. 

Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Pregnancy brings many changes to your body and hormones, which can include gum inflammation and bleeding most often between the second and eighth months of pregnancy. It often goes away on its own after the baby is born. Pregnancy hormones make your gums more susceptible to plaque which can make your gums red, delicate and sore. Brush two times a day for two minutes, clean between your teeth once every day, and talk with your dentist about what you can do to keep your gums healthy.

Do You Lose a Tooth with Each Baby?

No! This is an old wives’ tale. Losing a tooth is certainly not an ordinary part of pregnancy. If you are experiencing dental pain you might have a dental issue that is unrelated to pregnancy, and you should see your dentist. 

I’m Struggling with Morning Sickness. What Should I Do?

Sadly, morning sickness is experienced by many pregnant women. Vomiting can cause stomach acids to come in contact with your teeth, so be sure to flush your mouth to keep those acids from doing harm. You might be tempted to reach for your toothbrush right away, but if you are vomiting frequently, try rinsing your mouth with a blend of some water and 1 tsp. of baking soda, as the baking soda will neutralize the acid. 

Is It Safe to See the Dentist During Pregnancy?

Yes! Actually, your dental specialist may prescribe extra cleanings during your second trimester and early third trimester to help control gum disease. If your last dental visit was over 6-months ago or you see any changes in your mouth, visit your dentist. Let your dentist know if there are any changes in the medications you take or any chance that you have gotten any unique counsel from your doctor. Always let your dentist and dental hygienist know that you are expecting.

Help! Brushing Makes Me Gag.

If anything (and potentially everything) may make you gag, move slowly and find what works for you. Changing the kind of toothpaste used, utilizing a brush with a smaller head, or brushing at various times of the day may help. If you absolutely cannot stomach brushing your teeth, make sure you at least rinse and spit regularly, and return to brushing your teeth as soon as possible. The most important thing is to keep up your routine because you’re at somewhat greater risk for cavities, on account of corrosive acid from morning sickness, potential dietary changes, and feeling too worn out to even consider brushing.

Does What I Eat Affect My Baby’s Teeth?

Your baby’s teeth start to develop between the 3rd and 6th month of pregnancy, and eating a healthy diet while pregnant can help to make sure they develop correctly. Make sure your diet includes enough nutrients– including vitamins A, C, and D, protein, calcium and phosphorous. While you’re at it, drink a lot of water with fluoride to keep your own teeth solid.

Are X-Rays Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes, dental X-rays are safe during pregnancy. Your dentist or hygienist will cover you with a protective cover that limits exposure to the abdomen. Your dental office will also cover your throat with a collar to shield the thyroid from radiation.

Is It Safe to Have a Dental Procedure?

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists agree that dental fillings and crowns are safe during pregnancy, and that it is important to seek dental care promptly. It might not be comfortable to sit in a dental seat very late in pregnancy, so make sure to keep up with regular dental appointments, and plan to have any dental work in your first and second trimester, if possible. Cosmetic procedures such as whitening, on the other hand, can wait until after the baby arrives. In the event that you need emergency treatment, work with your dental office on the best arrangements for you and your child.


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